Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cheat's Treats

A few weeks ago I had friends over for a good ole fashioned slumber party!! There was chocolate, sweets, crisps and some homemade treats too! My contribution was modest to say the least... Caught for time I relied on Mrs. Betty Crocker to pick up the slack! The results were delicious!

Betty's double chocolate chunk muffins (with my addition of a splash of orange juice!) were a huge hit, but didn't hold a flame to her brownies.

My sister had made these for my birthday and the Smarties act as chocolate chunks *note to self, they are a scrumptious substitute!* 

I have made brownies using chocolate chips, Dutch processed cocoa powder, melted chocolate, you name it I've tried it, but Betty's are without a doubt, the easiest, least stressful, cheapest and most delicious option!

The brownies were gooey with crispy edges and the surprise of the sunken Smarties made every bite amazing! Patrick Swayze and Richard Gere may have had something to offer us, but these brownies were in a league of their own!

Oooey Gooey Chocolatey Deliciousness!!

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